Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The arth are dying? No, we're killing she

We murder the planet,
but he responds making storms and droughts.
We destroy the earth,
but she attacks us making hurricanes and drying the water that she keeps in nature.
When will we take care of our planet?
When will the people see that the vegetation is dying?

when the children and their familys can't go swimming at the beach becasue the water isn't blue or green, BUT BLACK?

Every day, we are killing the earth, but if one day we don't stop, our sons, will live in a destroyed planet.

1 comment:

English-on-Wheels said...

Excellent work Juli!! I particularly like the beginning where you use fewer words and personify the earth. Although at first it is a he, and then two lines down changes to a "she" !! also very nice the rhetorical question "when will we take care of our planet.
the end would be stronger if you distilled it a at the beginning. try re-writing it using the same style that you started with..fewer, stronger words. Short vehement phrases.
...look for corrections at English-on-Wheels-Corrections and "edit" your blog...